Sissons Gallery
23 Market Place | Helmsley, North Yorkshire | 01439 771385

Richard Telford

Richard Telford

Richard Telford
Updated May 2024

Featured Above: RT01 16x24 inches.

Richard Telford was born in Dorchester and spent his childhood in this most picturesque part of England. He developed a keen interest in painting professionally from an early age when his talent was recognized by a local gallery.

For a while, after graduating from art college, he took up a career as a graphic designer, which in time he abandoned in order to further his ambition of painting full time. He was admitted into the studio of Terrance Anton who taught him the art of professional landscape painting. The influence of many West Country artists and the surroundings of his youth have provoked his unique style, with his use of soft bright colours evoking a serene atmosphere in his landscapes, reminiscent of the Wessex artist Thomas Hardy.

Richard has established a growing number of collectors for his work, who admire his considerable ability to paint a variety of subjects. His work has also been taken up extensively for use in publishing greeting cards.

RT01 16x24 inches

RT02 16x16 inches


To enquire about any of the art featured on this page please call The Gallery on 01439 771 385 or email William Sissons quoting the image reference number underneath each piece of artwork.

Further original artwork available from The Gallery

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